Mustaqbal Center

What We Do

What We Do

We are on a mission to solve the problems

Mustaqbal Center for Special Needs, aims to train. the children with special needs and those around. them to integrate easily. into society through specialized training programs.
We helps young kids work toward meeting developmental milestones


Early intervention

We help the people with special needs by Early intervention to understand by each others and social


Speech Therapy

We have already trained qualified teachers to help people with special needs such as children with our speech.

Speech Therapy

We have already trained qualified teachers to help people with special needs such as children with our speech.
We make a professional behavior modification program. No amount of parental negotiation.


Behavior modification



Programs focus on children with autism since have need more help than others we care and make be aware.


Children with cerebral palsy

We treat this children are different from others because they are different from each other and their according to their needs.

Children with cerebral palsy

We treat this children are different from others because they are different from each other and their according to their needs.
We offers specialized services for children with Down syndrome and their families.


Children with Down syndrome

We have done a lot for children with this condition after their parents had a hard time caring for them.


Psychometric measures

This is a pain that is not common in people but the people have pain who needs it needs special care and attention to his or her mental state.

Psychometric measures

This is a pain that is not common in people but the people have pain who needs it needs special care and attention to his or her mental state.
We always make awarness programs that support the children with special needs

Awareness programs

For families with special needs children as we learn more about how their children need care and how parents and sick children can understand each othe

Training programs

For teachers specialized in children with special needs. In order to develop the minds of children with special needs, there is often a positive change in all aspects.

Training programs

For teachers specialized in children with special needs. In order to develop the minds of children with special needs, there is often a positive change in all aspects.